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Dream (VII)

I walk up a steep mountain path, very rocky, and eventually I come to the top—at the top I see two trees filled with blossoms, perhaps...

Runic power

Yesterday, I posted the Gar rune to X as a video—surrounded by a playing card triangle. The video I uploaded spontaneously changed to the...

Gods and men

There was once a man who was Odin—just like, in more recent times, there were men called Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha. The latter three,...

White contradiction

Someone said that I made a big fuss about not saying “whites”, preferring “Europeans”, and then went and said that white people were...

Christians (II)

Christians will always tell you that “the Church is in peril, we’re persecuted everywhere—never has the faith been in more need”. Yet...

Dugin the hypocrite (III)

Dugin speaks about how the West has fallen into “process” thought since it left Christendom. Becoming has taken priority over...

Knowledge of all scriptures

So al-Khidr, you who guise as the prophet who is not a prophet—a man who “knows all scriptures”—let us hear these scriptures recited. Let...

Religion and morality

You’ve often seen questions like “can you have morality without religion?” or “can you have morality without belief in God?”. This is a...

Pure Quality

The Bentley is a quality product—what is quality? Silence. The Bentley is a quality product because it approaches silence. The solid...

Dugin the hypocrite (II)

Dugin said: “Russia suddenly found itself at war with all this [Western modernity]—without wishing, understanding, preparing, or...

Dugin the hypocrite (I)

In his latest article, Dugin presents a standard reactionary account where everything “went wrong” in the West 500 years ago—when...

Unprofessional (thought taboo)

I had an English teacher who told me never, ever in any circumstances to write the word “nigger”. The reason was excellent—he said that...

Alchemy Metals (canal)

As I began my canal walk, I thought to myself, “Nobody actually reads the Bible, do they? They just use it to have power over other...

Javier Milei

Judeo-Masonry plans to rule its global one state from Patagonia—the plans have been laid for decades, it’s all about Antarctica (poles...


When I lay in the hollow at the top of Skirrid Fawr, three young men walked past me. “There’s a right badger hole here,” said one, with...

Apocalypse Now (redux)

I posted this clip to X and it was post “333”—which is my number, the end of my phone number, the crown chakra. I said a while ago that...


I don’t think the Jews are going to accept Jesus. So I’ll have to destroy them. It’s nothing personal, I like the Jews—I like Woody...

Skirrid Fawr (III)

When I lay in the hollow on top of Skirrid Fawr, I looked at the blue sky and the clouds and I felt immense space on every side—it went...

Human sacrifice

There are many ways to carry out a human sacrifice—the video above is the indirect human sacrifice, supervised by this Jewish woman...

Alan Titchmarsh’s trousers

Alan Titchmarsh’s trousers are a key weapon in the struggle against Communism—Kim Jong Un fears them greatly. He tried to blot them out....

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