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Dugin the hypocrite (II)

Dugin said: “Russia suddenly found itself at war with all this [Western modernity]—without wishing, understanding, preparing, or expecting it at all. Russia was placed by an invisible hand in the position it now finds itself.”

Oh, yes, Russia just “accidentally” found herself in a war.

This is Dugin at his absolute worst—especially since he goes on to use the lie term “Special Military Operation” for what is a war and has been a war from the start.

What happened to Solzhenitsyn’s “live not by lies”?

Out the window—instead Dugin uses the repulsive euphemism “Special Military Operation”.

Russia started the current war in Ukraine—it was not something that was “accidentally wandered into” like a confused gent who got lost in Marks and Spencer looking for a new pair of corduroys.

It was consciously and deliberately undertaken—it was incited and encouraged by Dugin himself, who bears some responsibility for it, just like the bugler in Aesop who summoned the army to battle.

Now, I think Russia had just cause—but that doesn’t change the fact that she started it; and, on a traditional Christian just war account, which Dugin claims to subscribe to, the war is not just (it’s not self-defence).

Russia started the war and what is worse she was arrogant about it—all this “Z” symbolism and “Zelensky will be a pushover, he’s not a serious man”.

Well, that was hubris if you’re a pagan and vanity if you’re a Christian—because it turns out the Ukrainians aren’t a pushover.

And the error has been compounded by being lukewarm about it—not calling it a war, not committing Russia to a full wartime economy as quickly as possible.

It’s death by a thousand cuts.

I think Dugin needs to take some responsibility for what he himself has started and sustained, by providing the ideas for it to educated Russians.

Dugin talks about “sins”—I don’t subscribe to Christian morality, based on control through shame and guilt (so the priests can do what they want to who they want, and you can’t even say, being twisted in their psychological games—not a word against the “holy Church”, the “holy Communist Party”).

I’m for honesty and responsibility—not moralism and intellectualism.

I call a spade a spade and a war a war.

And I don’t think words and images are reality—so “Big Brother” doesn’t control me through “the policeman inside” (vanity).

Rather than talk about “sins”, how about Dugin take some responsibility for the war he helped to start and sustain?

I’m not asking for a confession, like a show trial, like Nuremberg.

I just think he should take some responsibility for what he himself has brought about—then, perhaps, the situation would improve.


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