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Pure Quality

The Bentley is a quality product—what is quality?


The Bentley is a quality product because it approaches silence.

The solid clunk from the interior doors—it satisfies.

Just like the girl’s asmr voice—like the wind in the trees.

We’ve taken up this theme several times before—what is quality?

It was posed by Pirsig in his Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

It is synonymous with silence—with surya, with the void, with the empty space in the Ark of the Covenant.

It is the silent circle.

The closer you approach the void, the higher quality the product or person is.

So the more loud and flagrant a thing is, the less high quality it is.

Think about a man like Jünger, think about how contained he was.

Quality is synonymous with the Godhead.

This is why, in one respect, the LGBT+ Pride movement is Satanic.

Because it’s about being “loud and proud”.

And it’s why mass entertainment is Satanic, because it’s loud.

Just like the Jews that run it.

Against God.

Technology in general is Satanic.

Because, like Spotify, it increases quantity.

So there are 2.7M songs to listen to.

But they all go:

La, la, la—I want to touch your disco stick.”

Or something like that, anyway.

There aren’t any more pieces by Bach.

Which approach silence.

One day, the world will be silent.

Because all the loud people will be dead.

(Which will be most people).

And then we will have

Pure Quality.


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