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Human sacrifice

There are many ways to carry out a human sacrifice—the video above is the indirect human sacrifice, supervised by this Jewish woman (gloated over).

As noted, the entire Ukraine War is itself a human sacrifice—an alchemical operation.

I say that Russia instantiates the “Z spirit” of the Black Sun, but it is not total—for example, Sergey Naryshkin, head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Directorate, is a Jew.

He is the link to Orban—there’s a whole financial link there, which is how Orban is controlled by Russia but really by the Jews.

Similarly, insofar as Christianity is true, Russian Orthodoxy is the truest Christianity, because it still contains gnosis, and yet no Christianity is substantially true—because Jesus came for the Jews, not anyone else.

If you read the Bible, he regards non-Jews, like the Canaanite woman, as dogs—so he can’t have been a world saviour.

If you eat his body and drink his blood, you take the sins of the Jews upon you.

So Russia is just relatively better—to an extent the whole “Wagner” thing, the whole “Z” thing (Z as “Sieg Heil”) is just wearing the skin of your conquered enemy, a bit like how the Americans have teams called “the Redskins” or “the Apaches”.

So the entire Ukraine War, on both sides, is a massive human sacrifice.

After all, Putin is KGB and KGB is going to KGB—that’s his primary loyalty.

The star Sirius is connected somehow, because the Egyptians worshipped it “the Dog Star”, and high level Masons, like the American Robert Temple, are very keen on it (the star immortalised by the Alan Parsons Project).

Temple knows all about “the day of the fish”, so predicted by the Dogon tribe—which is connected to the UFOs, often seen dipping in and out of the water, because on “the day of the fish” the gods will return from the sea, so say the Dogon.

However, the Greeks thought Sirius was an evil star—which poses certain questions.

Much is programmed in: for example, there are viral videos of black men attacking whites, the whites not responding, which are not real—these are just programming for the African immigrants who come here.

The actors are later photographed with the Jews.

There will be no police response because, just as there are deniable orders to deny white people jobs, as happened to an old relative of mine a few years ago, there are deniable orders to kill white people in hospitals.

Similarly, I saw a product called “Zoe” which is meant to measure your blood sugar and so on marketed by a Jewish doctor called “Spector” who was involved in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Zoe means “life” and has a connection to kabbalah—the advert was about entrapping life itself in a machine.

Covid-19 was deliberate, but perhaps the aim is not to kill people so much as to get them to inject some symbolic material into their body—so as to complete the ritual altogether.

Also, if you listen to media you see a deliberate move to get rid of the RP accent and replace it with a more lower-class accent, so that you swap “barth” for “baff”.

And some adverts have people literally spitting in the face of white people—it is all programmed in.

Or with white men in black face masks—“facial treatment”, supposedly.

And the adverts to create black-white couples have worked very well.

Watch any adverts and you will see how vicious it is—the attacks on Europeans.

The same with the monarchy—the whole P-Diddy scandal is about Harry, about changes to the monarchy.

It will not be collapsed, I don’t think, because the whole line is inter-married with Jews—it will be “reimagined”, but the idea that it has to “go” is all programmed in through shows like The Crown (watched a clip, got the gist).

Ideas like neoreaction were invented because the Jews are worried they might run out of Aryan “material” to be engineers and so on before they finish their AntiChrist cyber-golem.

The control is total.


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