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Dugin the hypocrite (I)

In his latest article, Dugin presents a standard reactionary account where everything “went wrong” in the West 500 years ago—when modernity began.

This is the standard Christian account—Christianity was perfect, it is a sin to know anything, the period between 450 and 1500 was a Golden Age for mankind.

He even mentions that it was a mistake to sail beyond the Pillars of Hercules—the Roman Empire before, which also explored, was also a mistake, being based on vanity.

Dugin is a hypocrite.

You can tell because he supported his daughter as a political commentator and activist.

This is not a traditional role for a woman on the account he himself supports.

It is a role for Soviet woman, the loyal party cadre, or for modern Western woman.

Sure, he can’t stop her from doing what she wants—but he actively approved her career, which he didn’t have to do.

His daughter was billed as a philosopher but was really a political commentator.

She was assassinated by the Ukrainians.

It was a low blow—but it’s war, and this happens in war.

It’s like Aesop’s fable—the trumpeter is caught after the battle and says, “Don’t kill me, I just blew the trumpet—I didn’t kill anyone!”.

But the soldiers reply, “Without your trumpet, there was no point to rally to and no army—and so you will die.”

It’s the same with journalists and activists—if you promote ideas, to the masses or the educated strata, you provide the coordination and morale to carry out, in this case, a war.

So you are a legitimate target.

The fact that Dugin endorses his daughter’s career demonstrates that he doesn’t believe what he says—because someone who really subscribed to a traditional Christian account would say his daughter was vain and wayward in her desire for a worldly career based on fame and so was punished by God.

But he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with a woman having a career and being a “political soldier” because he doesn’t really believe what he says.

As noted, his project is to develop a political belief system for Russian power—he has little interest in truth.

So he blends bits of communism, bits of liberalism, bits of fascism, and so on into “the Fourth Political Theory”.

Whether these ideas are true or not is irrelevant to him.

He wants to legitimatise a state based on the FSB—which is just the KGB with a different name.

He is also a coward who scapegoats the English when he knows perfectly well that the real control force is Judeo-Masonry, not “the English”.

The English control nothing and have practically been eradicated in their own homelands—I barely see English people around me, I live in an Afro-Asian society.

Dugin seems to base his understanding of “England” on a Charles Dickens novel—what he thinks it is does not exist, it’s a fiction in his head.

And for someone who preaches “a return to Christendom” I don’t see him say the Jews should accept Jesus like I do.

I see a lot of demonisation of “Anglo-Saxon sea power”, but not any mention of the Jews accepting Jesus—nor the power of Judaism or Masonry.

Because you can scapegoat the English without repercussion—and, indeed, is it even legal in Russia, under their “race hate” laws, so similar, as it happens, to those in the West (????), to say that the Jews should accept Jesus or that Judeo-Masonry controls the world?

Indeed, the left, just like Dugin, pours endless scorn on “the English”, the world’s scapegoat—why does Dugin sound so much like a left-wing activist?

Is it because, like Putin, he yearns for “Soviet power” with an Orthodox garland, like Stalin?

The Russia Dugin supports is immersed in technological modernity—it’s just not as good at it as the West, so it develops missiles when it should have developed drones (because the Russians are still fighting the Cold War in their minds).

Why does Dugin “the monk” have anything to do with this, unless he is a hypocrite?


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