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The sacred cow

The cow stands for the sacred sound—that is why the cow was holy in ancient Egypt as Apis, and why it is holy to the Hindus. It is why it became Serapis to the Romans, and Io to the ancient Greeks.

It is why the longest sura in the Koran is called “the cow”—it is why kabbalah can also become, through wordplay, “the cow” (cow-balah).

Indeed, some have said that since “cow” in Arabic is “Baq” that Johann Sebastian Bach, with his many hymns to the divine, was really Johann Sebastian Baq—servant of the eternal sound.

So runs the eternal wordplay.

In the cult of Mithras, the god Mithras is depicted as slaying a sacred cow—and that is the correct action.

You should kill your sacred cow—kill the cosmic bull, like Mithras.

If you don’t kill your sacred cow, then you heap up treasures on earth—and not in heaven.

Of course, some people, like the Hindus, only kill their sacred cow in a symbolic way—and that is fine too.

This is why the bull above is a sacred cow—as I noted in the previous post, it is meant to be a joke; however, it actually looks malevolent and malign—and that is because it is devoted to the treasures of this earth.

The fact that this bull prevails in a central British city shows that Britain worships the wrong things—it does not worship the eternal sacred sound, the sound of the cosmic bull.

Kill the sacred cow—don’t store up your treasures on earth.

Kill the cosmic bull—store up your treasures in heaven.

Sacrifice the bull, sacrifice the bull, sacrifice the bull.


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