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No beliefs (II)

Someone asked, “How did you work out that Kate Middleton’s cancer story was a blind for the terror attack in Russia so quickly?”

The same answer as the previous article: no beliefs.

Other people were obsessed over the idea that William had an affair, that Kate had an affair, that William had beaten up Kate (actually a female sexual fantasy—to be beaten up by a powerful man, to be “murdered”, i.e. to have sex with), and that the suicide of an aristocrat they both knew was connected to it.

I suggested some ideas—like the idea Prince Louis is some demon-like Damian child who tried to murder Kate, but I didn’t believe them.

I just put them forward as ideas or hypotheses.

Beliefs develop of their own accord, but you can push them away or not be invested in them—but most people were fascinated with the stories around Kate, which were mostly hype and speculation.

People get too invested in the stories they follow, and the stories they tell about themselves to other people—then they don’t notice anything.

So that’s why I say I have no beliefs—if beliefs emerge I swat them down or don’t take them too seriously.

Beliefs obscure reality.


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