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No beliefs

People mistake my nature—they think I have a set of beliefs that I defend.

I don’t have any beliefs.

I don’t believe in anything.

They think that because I think race is real that I also think X, Y, and Z—and then hold back.

I don’t—I just say what I think and feel about the situation, see what happens, and then change in response.

There’s no strategy, there’s no plan—I’m not holding back so I can “get you where I want you” and then put forward what I’ve hidden.

I have no fixed set of beliefs—I just seek the truth and update it as I find it.

If you want someone who says the same things for centuries and centuries—try the Catholic Church.

You’ll not get it from me.

The world is filled with convinced atheists who became devout Christians, and devout Christians who became convinced atheists.

People swap all the time and then forget they swapped—because they are hypocrites.

All they do is swap the taboos around—and that is all most people do, they change taboos to fit in with a new social group.

Then they say “I have the truth now, not like before”.

They do not have reality—just belief, another belief.

I want to escape from belief.

So there’s just a process—I just seek the truth, that’s all.

I’m constrained by the principles that I don’t lie and that I aim to remove hypocrisy within myself.

And then I see where I end up—there’s no more than those principles.

I am not a politician, a diplomat, or a priest—I do not sell you a belief system.

I write about politics and I write about religion—but I do not believe.

If you want someone to sell you “the formula” or to tell you the same things every day then that is not me.

I will say or do anything—politicians cannot do that, because they must be taken seriously, because they must manage their reputation.

And most people are politicians, in the general sense.

I am not a serious person.

I am a fool—a joker.

So I say things that evoke pity, or disgust, or adulation.

Politicians cannot do—they can only be lukewarm, only “serious”.

This is why people always love me and then hate me—they either see the light and love me, then they see the dark and hate me; or they see the dark and hate me, then come to love me—and so round again.

Politicians hide the dark and the light.

They are only safe.

Your beliefs are safety.

If you are disappointed in me it is because you wanted to believe in me.

Then you need a priest or a politician—not me.

I do not offer you a safe belief.

I am unsafe, I am provisional, I am a process.

That is because I have no fixed beliefs—just an interest in reality, and reality changes.

I don’t think words are reality, I don’t think images are reality—I think this is reality *

These are just words on a screen—believe them if you want, or doubt them; perhaps, by the time you read them, I’m already dead—perhaps you read them in 125 years and you know I’m dead.

I have no plans, no goals, no assumptions.

Cromwell said “none climbs so far as he who knows not whither he is going”—and it is the same with me.

I have no fixed destination in mind.

I don’t know where I’m going.

I have no answer to give you—no final answer.

If you want answers from me, I don’t have them.

I’m just someone who seeks the truth.

And follows where that leads me.

There’s just a mystery that goes on forever.


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