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Mind (physically full)

When I’ve read a certain amount, I’ve noticed that my mind feels physically full, just like when the belly is full—it’s like it can’t take any more in, no more information. The thought that I might read more feels exactly as if you asked me to eat more on a full stomach. Not another word.

Then I sometimes go on a spontaneous fast for two months.

It interests me that the mind can experience an analogous sensation to the stomach; it suggests that, like the stomach, there is a physical limit to the amount of information the mind can hold (and I presume that differs between IQ levels).

However, just like the stomach, the information is eventually “digested” through an analogous process and then becomes “fat” or “muscle”, only for the “information hunger” to begin again.

This is not the same as “information overload”. When people have multiple social media feeds up or when they flick between websites, they are not “full”—just “fuzzy”. This behaviour is analogous to a “snack”, and it doesn’t fill you up—you could carry on at it for an indefinite period.

The fullness comes about from single-minded concentration on a topic.


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