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Dog (even further conversations with)

My dog is very horny at the moment, being a young dog still, and so he howls in a mournful way all the time and runs around the house—paws at my arm to do something for him.

I thought you said your dog was a reincarnated Sufi saint?

Yes—he’s a horny reincarnated Sufi saint, even the saints get horny and howl at the moon.

Well, I used to tell him off, but it doesn’t work—he just goes on and on.

But this morning I just said to him very quietly, so quietly you couldn’t really hear what I said, though his ears pricked up when I said it, “Kip, be quiet and go to your bed” three times.

And he did it straight away.

This is to recapture the Edenic state where man could speak directly to the animals—it must be done in a very gentle way, it is the language of the birds.

I know this was magic because after he sat quietly for a long while he went downstairs and started to howl again.

And I said quietly, from my mattress on the floor where I sleep, since I no longer sleep on the floorboards, “Be quiet, Kip” three times—and he was silent.

So my command over the beasts of the field increases—it comes about when you will without desire.

I have not said for a long time, but the birds are the angels—you can hear their true voices if you sleep with your window open and let their song enter your dreams.

Then you will hear the mysterious dirge, not unlike a harp but much stranger than any harp on earth—it being the true sound liberated from where it was frozen in matter.


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