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Updated: Jan 29

It’s often said that “the pill” is responsible for cratered birthrates in the West, but the above chart shows it not to be so. What the chart shows is that the birthrate begins to crater when modern feminism comes on the scene in the 1810s—when divorce first starts to be mooted in the upper classes. This is the start of Britain’s decadence—it’s when the first reform bills went through the Commons as well.

Then everything takes a nosedive with the Bradlaugh-Besant trial. Who were these people and what was the case about? Charles Bradlaugh was the first openly atheist MP in Parliament—and there were many who didn’t want him to sit, tried to stop him (sure, there had been many “closeted” MPs—but this was the first “out” atheist in Parliament, another sign of decadence). Meanwhile, Annie Besant was an occultist involved in the creation of Theosophy with that mad Russian bitch Blavatsky—later, she was involved in the Fabian Society (she was big into Indian independence too—held a senior position in the Congress party).

The trial was about the distribution of a manual of contraceptive methods—called, rather primly, The Fruits of Philosophy.

There’s too much accent on technology in our world—so everyone thinks pill, pill, pill and latex condoms and assumes there was nothing “in the old days”. But there were and are many contraceptive techniques—for example, you could get a small sponge, soak it in vinegar, tie a thin thread to it, and insert it in the vagina; or you could use coitus interruptus. And there were primitive sheafs, have been for centuries.

All these techniques (and more) were found in the Besant-Bradlaugh manual (pitched at “the working people”—to relieve them from the strains of childbirth, you see; it fits in with Besant’s Fabian socialism).

So they were put on trial because they produced an obscene publication, but, rather as with the Oscar Wilde trial two decades later, this conviction was a turning point—i.e. afterwards, everything was going to become more relaxed as regards what you could say about contraception and, in the same way, homosexuality was increasingly tolerated post-Wilde too (Bradlaugh managed to have the trial verdict overturned on a technicality, as it happens). Plus, the trial itself probably drew attention to the techniques in the manual—which would have been spread by more discreet and careful publishers.

So in this graph you have a clear illustration as to why everything has gone wrong demographically in the West—and it’s not about technology. It’s driven by atheism and socialism—although you must remember that it really starts in the 1830s when modern feminism comes strongly on the scene, it’s at this point that it picks up steam.

Besant’s occultist beliefs interest because her religion is just like her politics—Theosophy tries to mush every religion in the world together (per its logo below), so “it’s all the same thing really”.

It’s true that there’s some primordial Tradition that links all the world’s faiths, as I often allude to—so they’re all connected through the “stitching round the back”, but you should never smush them altogether (that’s Satanic).

So I’d never say “Buddhism is just the same as Islam”, which is an asinine comment as much as anything if you think about it for a few moments—but it makes sense to people like Besant who say things like “after all, we’re all children of the same God” (oh, she was a Freemason too, by the way—the Freemasons really are a menace).

Her religion is socialist, Theosophy is socialist—it holds that all faiths the same, all faiths are equal; and she got on well with a self-declared atheist—perhaps because to say all faiths in the world are the same is very similar to saying that there are none.

This is why we have to ban contraception, it destroys a society’s structure and its ability to reproduce.


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