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British exceptionalism (and the Danes)

Britain is an odd country because we’re one of the few countries in the world where Christianity is the national religion, the state religion—only the Danish do the same in the Western world (if we exclude Vatican City, Andorra, and various principalities, not real countries*).

The English and the Danish are the same thing, really—if you go to Denmark you’ll see lots of hedgerows, just like England; and that’s because the English, the Anglo-Saxons, come from Denmark mostly—we imported the hedgerows. And, just like the Danish, we like our bacon as well.

So we like to have a state Church, it’s just the way we roll—however, Britain is, so far as I know, the only country other than Iran where the head of state is also the head of the national religion; so we have a total exception there, really—it’s the Aryan ideal, the Emperor as Pontifex (except Iran and Britain have separated out the sovereign functions from the head of state position).

We are also like the German Saxons, literally—there’s a joke in Germany where someone treads on a Saxon’s toe and he apologises to them, that’s pretty much English behaviour.

So the religion follows the racial orientation (America does have a state Church, because it’s founded by English people—its state Church is Freemasonry, but it’s occult).

* This map is not accurate (Christian countries in blue, of various shades)—Christianity is the state religion of Zambia, but not Malawi. Then we have Greece in the Eastern confession—altogether there are 18 countries, including Argentina, where Christianity is the state religion; but the bulk of these are the little principalities in Europe, like San Marino, and not “proper countries” (Iceland and Greenland are attached to Denmark for various administrative reasons—hence their inclusion).

In Russia, the Orthodox Church has some say over which other religions are registered in the country and hasn’t let some Christian denominations that were active there pre-1917 back in. So Orthodox Christianity is the de facto Russian state religion.


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