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A dirty glass in a hotel room—or, the Tradition of Guénon and Evola explicated

It is not a belief or a doctrine—it is not a recitation or a rite; it is experiential, like Judo—you cannot write Judo, you can only do Judo; if you only talk about it, you have not done it. So to exemplify Tradition here is a brief passage I have written before, with a little added:

I was once in a hotel in Paris with a girl and two other friends; we were in the lift and I said, “I need a glass of water, could I get one from your room?”. It’s positively indecent to ask a girl for a glass of water in a lift with company—yet I did it anyway; after all, I wanted a glass of water I could kiss. In a hotel, there’s water in every room—but not water like that.

As with most glasses in hotels, the glass I drank from had stains from other lips on it—all hotels are like that today, even the fine ones I stay at. If only someone would wipe them clean, or perhaps it would be better if each glass came in a sealed plastic container—a plastic glass with a seal to break each time, untouched by dozens of lips. If only I could drink water from a glass like that—perhaps it only exists in paradise.

This is the Tradition. What, the Tradition is flirtation? Yes and no—it both is and is not the Tradition; in this case it is about women but it doesn’t have to be. It is how we divinise the world, poeticise it—and it can be done to any thing.

It seems a little schizo. It is. Schizos are defective shamans, so they have this talent. “I’m made of metal and the wires inside me are rotten, it’s rotten aluminium—n-ium, in mum, mum.” RD Laing, psychiatrist: “My mother was made of metal too, but my circuits are clean.” (And that’s how you communicate with schizophrenics; possible—if you can be bothered to pay attention, most will not). It’s why schizos have psychic powers and so on.

So now you see what the Tradition is—it cannot be shown whole; it can be shown, in microcosm, in the passage above—however, many will get confused and think it just means “flirtation”. Please understand, life is flirtation—if you get good at it you kiss God. So the Tradition is and is not flirtation, is and is not poetry—it involves wordplay (Holy Grail), but it’s not just wordplay.

It is not a belief or a doctrine (though it has elements that are doctrinal and belief-based); its inner core can only be taught to an initiate, from master to pupil—this skill isn’t written, but it is in words.

It lets you see things; for example, I came across a YouTuber called “Survive the Jive” who makes videos about paganism and I said, “Ah, survive the Jews.” I see where he’s coming from. Does he know this himself, or was it unconscious—does he chuckle every time he reads it? Personally, I’m a Jew-do master—so I know what they’re up to (“You sound schizo again” -ed; perhaps, but Christ practised Jew-do too, with them you win by losing—and I’m the ed so it stays in, ed).

This is Tradition.


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