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86. The cauldron (III)

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

I have written about the essence of the political right being found in responsibility; and I have contrasted this to the essence of the political left as a sort of priestly creativity gone awry and turned against its own society, so leading to chaos. “Everyone is conservative about what they know,” says the old dictum; and this holds true for the left. The left remains responsible for its own organs of power. In the Soviet Union, nothing functioned except the KGB, the military, the Party, and the media; everything else was expendable, except those instruments that sustained the rule of the priestly class. The left takes the instruments of society that should protect and sustain it and turn these inwards, so leading to social atomisation by destroying the organic bonds of reciprocal responsibility: the left constantly calls for unity because it has none.

The right, being the knot of responsible people in a society, is lumpy. Since responsible people do not usually poke into each other’s business, the right is occult: it is the proverbial silent majority. The visible right springs into existence from the priestly class to shield this hidden group; as such the visible right is composed of dissident priests and heretics—usually people more disagreeable on average, since they are prepared to depart from priestly consensus.

In line with the Tao, real right-wing people do not even know that they are on the right; they are just doing their thing. It is the left that seeks to politicise (“problematise” in the modern jargon) these actions; the existence of politics, a split into factions, is itself a sign that a system’s integrity has failed, of leftward drift; even in America and Britain politicians still pay lip service to this idea by speaking about bi-partisanship or Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition.

The visible right contains everyone from dissident feminists and socialists to traditional Catholics to scientists to pagans to fascists and classical liberals—and more. These people do not have much in common except that they dissent and are interested in truth; but truth is variegated and not uniform. The scientist who knows the lies the left tells about his field will not necessarily share a single point of contact with a Baptist or dissenting feminist—although the left may well classify all of the above as “Nazis”. Those left behind by the rapid development of the ideology will still consider themselves to be the real left. “I’m a real feminist. The type we had in the 1980s, not these recent ones; they’re crazy!” This lament has been heard many times over the decades, it is the lament of someone who has been left behind.

Authentic pagans—there are leftist imitators, so be careful—represent the most right-wing tendency in the contemporary West; these are the backwoodsmen of the Roman Empire, the country bumpkins who never got the update regarding Christianity—let alone liberalism and socialism. Our contemporary pagans are the rednecks and little Englanders, the people outside the metropolis who are painted as devils. The pagans of old and their gods became the devils of Christianity; the poet Milton cast all the old gods into Hell to become the servants of Satan. Hence the right is always sulphurous. Rightists hold to the old gods: the gods that are eternal, no matter what the priests of the day say. The scientist and cynic—the men who looks at the motivations behind formal affirmations—perceive the hidden sacred aspect of life: it is nature that the left denied from the beginning. The left can tolerate all sciences except the softest science, biology. So the right defends the bloody and tangled biological roots—it is radical, it goes to the roots—that represent reciprocal bonds across generations: the right is always highly united, but the visible political right—being composed of disagreeable people—always appears fractious. The left, constantly calling for priestly unity, is more bitterly divided and, as in Stalin’s show trials, gobbles up her children.


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