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Î ÏÎżÏ†Î·Ï„Î”ÎŻÎ± (21)

Alkaid: I am Alkaid, I am the leader—I am Alkaid, I am the base. I am Alkaid—I am the tail on the bear, I am the leader who steers a bier. I am one of fifteen—the fifteen Behenian stars, the stars of magical influence. I am Alkaid, I am the leader—I am Alkaid, I am the base. I am al-Qaeda, I am the base—I am the leader, on the astral plane. I am a star for Mars, I am a star for war—I am Alkaid, destroyer-of-nations.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

I told people, “I’m writing a book about assassination,” and they said, “Oh, that’s interesting—here’s another book you might find useful.” I said to them, “I’m writing a book about assassination,” but they didn’t get it—I did make them the offer, but they didn’t get it. They were too busy trying to be famous, trying to pretend to be Evola—trying to get high in stone circles. Look, I made you an offer—but you didn’t listen.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

This is what is meant when Hassan-i Sabbah (venerable) said, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” It is the necessary corollary to the view that for the person in whom shadow and light are one it is not possible to lie—for everything is permitted to them, and it is not possible for them to sin. “For the pure, all things are pure”. Hence: nothing is true, everything is permitted.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

So come to the castle “Alamut”—come to the sea of Prince Caspian. Come to “the eagle’s nest”—or “the nest of punishment” or “the nest of teaching”. Yes—it seems that punishment and teaching are one and the same, and the castle’s number is 483 (as encoded in the very name, the year Hassan-i Sabbah captured it—the year Rome was founded, some 1000 years before then). Hail to castle “al-a-mutt”, home of the dog-faced ones—home of the dog-faced kabbalah.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

Go to the castle chamber, go to the room with the diamond cupola and a view of the stars—look up, breathe in the smoke and go to another place. Watch the stars move above you—then sleep, and wake in paradise. Wake surrounded by maidens and grapes and wine—then sleep again, sleep again to wake again (and when you wake you will serve Hassan-i Sabbah).

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

This entire book is about assassination—it has had no other topic, no other topic than hashish (we hashshashin—we smokers of hash, we dreamers in imperial bedrooms; we who were initiated when we drew in our breath over a bronze saucer filled with hash).

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

In fact, I’ve never smoked it—just one draw at a party, that’s all. I am a great user of “asas”—that is to say, in literary Arabic, “principle”. To be an Assassin is to be a person with an interest in principles—to be a “principle person”. The Assassins were not stoners—that was just the exoteric disguise, like the songs of wine and women in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (the lips he kissed did not belong to women, but to the divine—the wine he drank was no alcohol, it was the nectar of the gods). So too—the Assassins never smoked hashish, and every tale I tell of women I slept with only represents the times I made love to the gods.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

Alkaid—master of war, destroyer-of-nations, star of the Assassins. I hail you, rishi—I hail you as one of the seven seers (ss). I hail you as the “Old Man in the Mountain”—long may he retreat from the world, long may he induct new adherents into the Order of the Assassins. Only the profane want to smoke hashish, sleep with whores, and drink wine—we smoke the invisible hashish (principles), sleep with metaphysical whores, and drink the divine nectar.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

I am Alkaid, I am the leader—I am Alkaid, I am the base. I am the principle—I am the leader of the Order of Principles. I know the secret path to the Castle of Alamut—I, 738, know the path to 483 (available only to those who can count backwards with use of the inverse square law—the stairs to the castle are upside down and back-to-front).

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

I am the leader for a time of war—and I know the secret redoubt, I know the Castle Alamut. I also know where to find the invisible tavern of Tehran, where Omar Khayyam drinks to this day—drinks the invisible nectar of poetry.

In me, shadow and light are one—I never lie, for every lie I tell comes true.

Yes—many have come to me. Yes—many have laughed at me. I have given them the message, given them the sign—and they scorned it. Too important to learn about assassination. Yet one bullet can change history—though few have the stomach for it, even Castro was leery as regards assassination (though he always kept a sniper’s rifle near him). Yet one man can change history—and all Assassins know that to be so.


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