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Προφητεία (178)

Political tourists: there’s such a person as a “Cubaphile” who stakes his life around Cuba, around the Cuban revolution—perhaps lives there or acts as an unofficial representative for the Cuban government abroad. A rarer type is the “Koreaphile”—the person whose life revolves around North Korea; and this position offers you greater possibilities, because the North Korean government is more marginal, so that a Westerner who “offers their services” can become a de facto ambassador for the North Koreans—with the attendant perks, both material and egotistical.

These types used to only exist on the left—the political pilgrim who packed his bags and set out for “actually existing socialism”, which is commendable, in a way, because at least they take up the challenge “go back to Russia” seriously (“practice what you preach”). Less admirable are people who “vacation” there, pick up the free hospitality, and then go back as “brand ambassadors” for Cuban socialism—in other words, keep the abundant soft Western loo roll while also picking up “virtue points” as a representative of “the wretched of the earth”.

Well, those people used to exist on the left only—but now you see the same types on the right. You see someone who has set themselves up in Krakow or Budapest to extol “actually existing conservatism”. The “new life” in “Christian utopia”—these people act just like “Cubaphiles” (Cubaphiles = paedophiles, what’s unwholesome about these people is the suggestion that there’s some “Thai-style” reward, young women or boys, under “actually existing socialism”; perhaps it’s also the excessive belief that off-puts, seems unwholesome—the fanatic rearranges his whole life to live in Cuba…or Hungary today).

“Political tourism” indicates deviation from reality—it’s belief over reality. And, indeed, these characters, like the Christian writer Rob Dreher, do look a bit unsavoury (I saw a picture of him on X, before I quit, gobbling oysters or some such delicacy in Budapest, under “actually existing Christian conservatism”—just as you get Martinis and cigars in Castro’s Cuba, as “a phile”). In real terms, such luxury would be “unproletarian” and such vanity would be “unChristian” (you can tell where this is going, right? Something, something…hypocrisy).

There’s no such thing as a right-wing political tourist, because the right is for reality. Anyone who quits their homeland and then starts to champion another country because people in that country “believe the right things” (Marxism, Christianity) has deviated from reality—they’re a utopian who thinks there’s utopia abroad, and thinks words can change reality. “The family values in Budapest are excellent this year.”

“We should be more like the Hungarians.” But I’m British—Britain is different; it’s a different nation, different race, different history, different culture, different language—that’s what the right says. If you think “just believe what the Cubans believe and our troubles will end” you’re on the left—people are interchangeable across the globe, ideas will change reality. That’s a leftist belief.

Enoch Powell said that if Britain were a Communist country and it was in a war he would fight for it; why? Because the right is about families and the extended family, the nation—Britain was once pagan, then Catholic, then Protestant, then progressive, and could, back then, potentially be Communist. But Powell is for what is real, not the idea—and even if you don’t believe in the idea it’s better for Britain to win, just like it was better for Russia to win against Germany even under Soviet Communism (a belief that in nominal terms was against the Russian nation).

What also lurks behind political tourism is “the Hungarians will save us”, “the Poles will save us”—or “the Cubans will save us”, maybe. You know, these are pretty marginal countries in economic terms and the young Poles and Hungarians I talk to think very much like young Westerners I talk to—they’re just on a cultural delay due to Communism, but that gap has almost closed now.

People who think otherwise are fanatics, believers—that’s what’s unsavoury about them, the fanatic rearranges his whole life, flies out to Hungary from Ohio, just for a belief. The right is meant to be anti-fanatic, but these people are fanatics—they throw up their whole lives for “the idea”. That’s what makes them somewhat unsavoury—people who are extreme in this dimension are extreme in other dimensions.

They believe in “Orbanismo” and are glossy-eyed about it. So they don’t see the reality, beyond their curated talks with Budapest university students dressed like some exiles from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. “A Europe of values” says the roll-down conference scroll behind the grand piano…There’s a smugness to these little true-believers too, “In Hungary we have no problems with Muslim terrorism, of course” (toothy Mongolised smile)—well, time will tell…

Aside from that, I don’t actually like Poles—I find them to be self-pitying, looking for a hand out, and self-righteous in their Catholicism (whereas I think it’s AntiChrist). I don’t think Hungarians are European really, either—and, ultimately, the same goes for the Poles.

Anyway, what about your own country? I don’t think the Poles and Hungarians, even if they were powerhouses, which they’re not (Germany is), are going to “save” other countries in Europe. But if it makes you feel good to believe in “Visegrád” (“the Comintern”)—why not (they seem keen on Zionist propaganda, though—perhaps this movement isn’t even in the interest of Poles and Hungarians…)?

Real talk (as Americans say, before launching into a series of self-aggrandising lies): Europe is dying, just like those videos where the cell wall breaks and the liquid inside pours out—Europe has lost her cohesion, she is in haemorrhage. “The Hungarian Ambassador has written a strong letter of complaint against the promotion of transgender ideology in his country”. It doesn’t even begin to address what we actually experience today. It’s not sufficient, these people have no comprehension as to the dysfunction that is in operation today—which is basically Satanic, in my view.


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