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Προφητεία (103)

Death of societies: a society lasts about 1000 years, and an empire about 250—hence the American empire, founded in 1776, is close to its end point. Britain, meanwhile, long ceased to be an empire and is at the stage where it will cease to exist as a society—we could say that Britain (England, its core) was founded in 1066 as a recognisable unit, everything as regards the country as a historical unit goes back to this point. That is about 1000 years ago—hence England is about to fracture apart.

Indeed, prophetically, on my last visit to London I saw that the National Theatre had put on a play called The Death of England (with black actors in the leading roles, naturally). That reflects the regime’s hatred of England and the English—but it was also prophetic in the wider sense.

Besides, it was only within the 100 years before the Norman Conquest that the Anglo-Saxons coalesced into a single unit, as opposed to being separate kingdoms. For English nationalists, like sentimental nationalists everywhere, the English were “nice”—but were then oppressed by Norman barons, who were eventually corrupted by the Jews, and so what we want to return to is some idyllic pre-1066 state; though, of course, in the period before there was more than adequate “oppression”, either between the various kingdoms, or between Anglo-Saxons and Britons, or between Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.

The point remains that Britain only achieved any notability and excellence as the unit it became after 1066: there was no prelapsarian England—either in the “Merry Old England” of the Middle Ages, or in the Anglo-Saxon period.

The Founding Fathers very much considered themselves Anglo-Saxons who had escaped the proverbial “Norman yoke”—and that explains why Americans like blacks so much, for the Anglo-Saxons see themselves as “the niggers of Britain” being slaved to Norman aristos (who also raped their women in the act of prima nocta—so again relating them to their black slaves and also explaining the Yankee concern with feminism).

Meanwhile, the Confederates, who emulated the hated Normans, needed to be extirpated with all speed to finally remove the stain of oppression felt by the Anglo-Saxon Americans. In this respect, America itself is a slave revolt of the Anglo-Saxons—the most pure “English nationalism” ever conceived exists in America (Normans need not apply—no residual aristocrats with “de” in their names there, even as play a part in British life down to this day).

That is a slight diversion, though one that it was worth making—what remains so is that the political unit that was the most concentrated and organised expression of Englishness, Britain, is kaputt. Its 1000 years, like the 1000 years promised to Rome by the birds that augured her founding, have ended.

It wasn’t English! It was English enough—and, besides, most people don’t admire England as a unit for Alfred the Great and the various tribal fights between the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms; they admire it for Newton, Shakespeare, Darwin, and so on—whatever genius there was within the English only came to fruition within this political unit.

And, besides, nationalists are quick enough to say “the Vikings are our cousins” when it suits them and could as easily say “the Normans were our cousins”—although, of course, being someone’s cousin is no bar to wanting to chop his head off, since even brothers, from Romulus and Remus to Cain and Abel, seem apt to chop each other up.

I say this to avoid sentimentalism, I don’t think there was some stainless “perfect England” where everyone lived in quasi-socialist bliss until the Normans and the Jews turned up—I have a paradise in my mind, but it is a real (i.e. metaphysical) paradise, not a variation on the Marxist utopia tricked out in racial clothing.

Anyway, I am here to herald the death of Britain—and the death of England too. Yet not so much as the progressives would wish, as some Hegelian step towards the promised mulatto world state (superintended by the Jews)—the world state devoted to mere pleasure and, above all, selfishness.

No, I am the herald of Hyperborea—I am the herald of what this land truly was and truly is and will be once again. True, the flag will remain the same—the Union Jack, since it contains the eight rays of the Druids; and yet it will be joined by another flag, the black flag of the Grail—that stands for wisdom and for the unmoved mover (the principial) whom we serve.

The flag will remain the same, but Hyperborea will be the name on everyone’s lips—and Ireland too will be reincorporated under the banner of the Druids. The Irish flag, the tricolour, is a false flag—a flag based on revolutionary France and not on the rays of the Druids. The Union Jack is the true Celtic flag of these isles—if lack of Celticism is what perturbs the Irish (who will be exterminated under the tricolour—submerged with all Africa).

It will not come to pass—for I herald the black flag and Hyperborea.

As for the class system, it provides me with rich material for my crude caricatures—I have nothing against it in itself, disdain people who identify with it too much or who hate it too much or who are sadistic about it either in a snobbish way or in a inverted snobbish way.

However, government in these isles will be superseded by a council of 12 (plus one magician)—these being men without caste (colour, varna) who have negated their profane persona and only work at the supra-personal level, the level of the magical will.

All classes that still exist in Hyperborea will be organised into guilds which will act as initiatory associations as they once were (as stonemasons were before the Freemasons bastardised their rites). Hence all will participate at the correct level in the higher spiritual order that is to come—Hyperborea.


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